Are you sabotaging your success? man-unhappy-businesspeople-sitting-business-office.jpg

You believe you are a highly successful entrepreneur and you have the experience, vision and determination to make a difference.

So what's gone wrong?

You had the fire in your belly, the faith that transitioning your unique skills and passion would empower you and others. It ticks all the boxes. You can see yourself spending less time and earning more money, being in just the right place at the right time. It takes courage, determination and money to take a chance on yourself and somehow that sacrifice should equate to your success. Right?

Unfortunately that is often not the case.

Deciding to go for it requires a transformation not only in your work life but of you. Lurking deep in the recesses of our minds are beliefs about what's possible for you. These beliefs can be passed down from our caregivers or acquired by our central nervous system along our journey to date.

So, what's getting in the road of your progress? Are you sabotaging your own success?

If you have recognised this behaviour in yourself, you may have felt guilt, anger or even shame. These are natural reactions for all of us however not helpful. We need to be much kinder to ourselves.

Let me give you an example of a sabotaging behaviour:

Acquiring new clients requires you to network. You find other more important tasks to do instead of going to events, say no to invitations and avoid opportunities to meet new people. You know it's an important part of your business but you can't seem to make it work. In the conscious part of your mind it doesn't make sense. That leaves us with unconscious beliefs or behaviours. Like the operating system on your computer, running in the background making changes you didn't authorise.

Well, we are not too different in that our system has stored difficult situations from your past (or your caregivers past) to keep you safe. On the human priority list, safe, is the overarching principle and won't change just because you ask nicely. Think about it from an evolutionary perspective, if the red fruit on a particular tree made you sick then how likely would you be to try it again. Even years later, surrounded by others telling you they are just delicious.

And so it is with situations long forgotten, someone in the schoolyard not playing with you, a horror story of rejection from someone close or perhaps not feeling understood by your family gives rise to a protection mechanism to not put you in a vulnerable situation like that again.

Think about the problem you have and ask yourself:

What evidence does my mind have that this is true or that I need protecting?

Don't judge the answer, understand and give that part of you the respect of being listened to, it's the first clue to your transformation.

You are worth it!

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Christine Clifford

Specialising in human behaviour, Christine has assisted hundreds of clients to live in their highest values and to be inspired by life. She teaches entrepreneurs and business owners how to overcome their challenges, obtain self-governance and activate their true potential.


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